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~ Second and Third Planets of the Tau Ceti System ~
3461-73,000 AD
(90,000 Deianaran Years)

Timekeeping in the Tau Ceti System

Every place within the Tau Ceti System, including the planet Abderus, abides by what is called the “Tau Ceti Year” which is equivalent of one year on the planet Deianara. This is because the planet Abderus, which has an axil tilt of 0°, has no discernible change of the seasons (unlike Deianara, which does), and the people find it easier to coordinate their civil calendar with their sister planet.

Abderus does, in fact, have a ritual calendar based upon astronomy and the actual year of the planet. But for simplicity’s sake, in this timeline we will use only the “Tau Ceti Year”.

1 “Tau Ceti Year” = 265.25 Deianara days, 420 Abderus days or, 0.78372 earth years

1 Abderus year = 0.47645 earth years or about 255.33 Abderus days

1 Deianara day = about 25:54 earth hours

1 Abderus day = about 16:22 earth hours

The Deianaran Calendar:
based on the Tau Ceti Year

1. Artemis
34 days
3. Lous
33 days
5. Dios
33 days
7. Pertius
33 days
2. Panaema
33 days
4. Hypereta
33 days
6. Apella
33 days
8. Xantica*
33/34 days

*Xantica has 34 days only on leap-years (every fourth year).

Northern Spring (Southern Autumn) occurs
during the months of Artemis and Panaema,
Summer in Lous and Hypereta,
Autumn in Dios and Apella,
Winter in Pertius and Xantica.

Deianara abides by an 8 day week:
Praimdei, Secondei, Tridei, Tetardei,
Pendei, Sexdei, Sabbadei,
and Ocdei
The Abderitan Civil Calendar:
based on the Tau Ceti Year

26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days
26 days

Abderus abides by an 8 day week similar to Deianara’s.
The Abderitan Ritual Calendar:
based on the Abderus Year
(approximately 174 Earth days or 255 Abderus days long)

This calendar is based the lunar cycles of both Abderus’ two moons: Orthus and Geryon.

It consists of a succession of 9 or 10 Geryonian months intermingled with a succession of 29 or 30 Orthusian months.
Festivals occur during transits of the two moons and other astronomical events.

Primary dates are listed in “Tau Ceti years” which are equal to about 286.254 earth years.

The Deianaran Calendar begins on February 18th, 3461 A.D. (1 Artemis, T.C.Y. 1)

266 Tau Ceti Years Before the Epaphian Invasion, 3252 AD
     The starship Dexamenus arrives bringing to the Tau Ceti System the first astronauts from Earth.
Bases are established on the ice-covered third planet of the system, named “Deianara”. Within a few decades massive oxygen plants are set up to transform the planet’s atmosphere.

The Terraformation of Deianara: Phase One
c.200-25 B.E.I.
c.3300-3440 AD

The planet’s atmosphere, initially composed largely of CO2, CO, and other toxic gases, is transformed into one of Oxygen and Nitrogen, breathable by humans. The surface, however remains covered in miles-thick glaciers - a planet-wide Antarctica.

Tempis Lumis 1  3461 AD / 1505 AS
The Epaphian Invasion
     An invasion fleet arrives in the Tau Ceti System from the planet Epaphus and quickly and easily conquers the Terran outposts on Deianara.

T.L. 27-42  3481-3493 AD
The Colonial War
     Terran battle fleets arrive from the planet Earth ready to defend their claim in the Tau Ceti System against the Epaphian invaders.
In the end, the Epaphians emerge victorious and the Tau Ceti System becomes subject to the Republic of Epaphus.

Age of the Epaphian Republic
T.L. 42-617
3493-3943 AD

For the first few centuries of her existence, Deianara is ruled peacefully by the rational government of the Epaphian Republic, which leaves behind it a tradition of sophisticated society on Deianara for the rest of her history.

The war-like Abderitans, however, were having none of this and ousted the Epaphians off their planet at the first available opportunity.

T.L. 25  3480 AD
     The Epaphian Republic, having defeated the Terrans on Deianara, begin the second phase of the planet’s terraformation process.

The Terraformation of Deianara: Phase Two
T.L. 45-c.200
3495-c.3600 AD

Originally an ice planet covered miles thick in glaciers from the poles to the equater. The Epaphians, after winning the planet from the Terrans, use massive orbital mirrors and greenhouse gases to melt these glaciers and trap the excess water in a vapor canopy in the upper atmosphere and in underground aquifers drilled miles below the surface.
Deianara becomes a nice, temperate world with mediterranean climates from poles to equator.

T.L. c.200  c.3600 AD
     Terraformation is complete on Deianara

T.L. 617  3943 AD
     Deianara seperates from Epaphus, but retains the governmental infrastructure of the Epaphian Republic.

The Republic of Deianara is founded

The Republic of Deianara
T.L. 617-c.1300
3943-c.4450 AD

Deianara is ruled wisely by the Deianaran Republic.

T.L. 636  3959 AD
     The young Deianaran Republic endeavours to begin terraforming operations on the planet Abderus.

The Terraformation of Abderus
T.L. 636-c.1300
3959-c.4450 AD

Deianara’s sister planet, the second in the system, is transformed from a hot, Mars-like world into one with a breathable atmosphere, hospitable to humans.
An ocean is created covering a good part of one hemisphere but most of the surface remains a hot, arid desert scattered with ancient craters.

T.L. 698  4007 AD
[T.L. 705 from Tau Ceti’s Perspective]
     On Epaphus: The Fall of the Republic of Epaphus.

T.L. 1281-1366  4464-4531 AD
The First Abderitan Revolt
     The rebel leader, Thrannikkus, defeats the Deianarans and ousts them off Abderus.

Fall of the Republic of Deianara

The Depressing Age on Deianara
T.L. c.1300-1897
c.4500-4947 AD

The Republic of Deianara is no more, and things just aren’t as nice on the planet anymore.

T.L. c.1820  c.4890 AD
     Epistemianism (a revolutionary polical movement from Epaphus) begins appearing on Deianara.

T.L. 1858  4916 AD
[T.L. 1865 from Tau Ceti’s Perspective]
     On Epaphus: The Epistemian Republic of Epaphus is founded by Doctor Phoroneus.

T.L. 1897  4947 AD
     Deianara jubilantly joins the Epistemian Republic of Epaphus.

T.L. 1957-1971  4994-5005 AD
The Second Abderitan Revolt
     The new epistemian regime on Deianara dastardly attempts to undermine native kingdoms on Abderus, sparking a native revolt.
The revolting Abderitans are squashed by the Epistemian Republic.

     Abderus remains firmly under their control for the next two centuries.

T.L. 2210  5192 AD
     Thromius, descendant of Thranikkus, is born on Abderus.

T.L. 2217-2298  5198-5261 AD
The Third Abderitan Revolt
     Led by Thromius the Great who drives the Epistemian authorities off of Abderus and founds a mighty kingdom.

T.L. 2298  5261 AD
     The Abderitan Kingdom is Founded
In the wake of the repulsion of the Epistemians, a great kingdom is founded that rules the planet for 800 years, before its untimely collapse after its failed invasion of Deianara.

T.L. 2376  5322 AD, Epaphus Year 3488
     The declining Epistemian Republic withdraws it’s forces from the Tau Ceti System.

     Deianara is granted independence for the second time in her history.

The Age of Principates on Deianara
T.L. 2376-3092
5322-5884 AD

While the Epistemians had ruled over Deianara, they divided her lands into a collection of separately governed “principates.”
After the decline and withdrawel of Epaphian authority from the system, these principates remained to govern independently, some retaining their epistemian governments, some not.
For the next six centuries, these principates ruled Deianara in a mostly peaceful co-existence until the Abderitan Invasion of 3079.

T.L. 2415  5353 AD
     The Principate of Hyllos on Deianara sends a fleet of ships to occupy the Alula Australis System, a system with two potentially inhabitable worlds.

T.L. 2424  5360 AD
     Another fleet of ships is sent, this time by the Deianaran Principate of Euaemon, to the Delta Eridani System to set up colonies on the fifth planet, Danaus.

T.L. 2466  5393 AD
     The Deianaran colonial fleet arrives at Danaus.

T.L. 2614  5509 AD
     The mystical planet Phantos is colonized by mystics from the rogue Deianaran Kingdom of Azan.

T.L. 2976-3014  5793-5822 AD
     The reign of Malnomos, the draconian lawgiver, in the Deianaran Principate of Euaemon.

T.L. 3065-3079  5862-5873 AD
The Principate War

T.L. 3079-3089  5873-5881 AD
The Abderitan Invasion
     A fleet of warships from the planet Abderus arrives at Deianara in an attempt to invade the planet. The war is long and brutal destroying much of Deianara’s infrastructure. But the Principal Citizen of Althaea, Eiron Peidoxas, bands the warring principates of Deianara together to unite against their common adversary.
In the end they are successful in resisting the invasion, and the Deianaran people are filled with a new pride and hope as they begin to rebuild.

T.L. 3092  5883 AD
     The Great League of Deianara is established to rule the entire planet from the resplendant capital of New Athens and new golden age begins.

The Golden Age of Deianara
T.L. 3092-3704
5883-6363 AD

For six hundred glorious years, the city of New Athens wisely governs over the whole planet.
It is a time of great intellectualism, science, and art.

T.L. 3704-3731  6363-6384 AD
War of the Great Leagues on Deianara
     The city of Trachinia attempts to establish a second league in the Western Hemisphere independent of the League of Deianara. New Athens resists and civil war breaks out.
The aftermath of the bloody war leaves Deianara in anarchy and despair.

The Age of Anarchy on Deianara
T.L. 3731-4157
6384-6718 AD

The generations living during this era are sometimes refered to as “The Sons of Anarchy”.

T.L. 4157  6718 AD
     Arcontis Catitis II, king of Kenaea and father of Nicator the Master Conqueror, conquers a mighty empire across the continent of Therona.

T.L. 4221-4231  6768-6776 AD
     Nicator, Master Conqueror of Deianara
He conquers his entire planet. Upon his death, his global empire is split in four.

The Age of Four Empires on Deianara
T.L. 4231-5113
6776-7467 AD

Upon the death of Nicator the Master Conqueror, his global empire is divided into four: the Ambracian Empire in the North, the Trachinian Empire in the East, the Nualan Empire in the West and the Patraean Empire ruling from Nicator’s old capital of Patraeus in the South.

T.L. 4506  6992 AD
     The Abderitan Kingdom conquers all of Abderus.

The Abderitan Empire is founded

The Abderitan Empire
T.L. 4506-8141
6992-9841 AD

For over three millenia, the planet Abderus is ruled with an iron fist by one empire from the city of Abdera.
Only one space-port is allowed to function on the planet, on Crescent Island off the coast of Abdera.

T.L. 5512-5613  7780-7859 AD
The Pyrrhic Wars
     Abderus and Deianara fight a series of bloody interplanetary wars. In the end, Deianara lies utterly defeated and becomes subject of the Abderitan Empire.

T.L. 5512-5521  7780-7787 AD
     The First Pyrrhic War

T.L. 5544-5561  7805-7819 AD
     The Second Pyrrhic War

T.L. 5585-5589  7837-7840 AD
     The Third Pyrrhic War

T.L. 5609-5613  7856-7859 AD
     The Fourth Pyrrhic War

     Abderus defeats Deianara

The Abderitan Empire Rules Deianara
T.L. 5113-7299
7467-9181 AD

Deianara is ruled by the Abderitan Empire.

T.L. 5637-5651  7878-7889 AD
     The reign on Abderus of Locar the Great.

T.L. 5799  8005 AD
     Larissa, the immortal witch of Erimos Island, is born.

T.L. 7301  9182 AD
     Deianara throws off the shackles of the Abderitan Empire.
Flaemon Valerus becomes the first emperor of the Deianaran Empire.

The Deianaran Empire
T.L. 7301-8141
9182-9841 AD

The greatest period of Deianaran civilisation since the golden age of the Great League.

T.L. 7339-7375  9212-9240 AD
     The Abderitan Empire collapses.

T.L. 7712-7724  9504-9514 AD
The Invasion of Abderus
     Deianara invades Abderus and wins for herself a large province in the lands of Siderria and Vistonia.

T.L. 7724-7882  9514-9638 AD
The Deianaran Occupation on Abderus

T.L. 7871-7882  9629-9638 AD
The Siderrian Revolt
    Abderus ousts the Deianarans and the Abderitan Kingdom is restored.

T.L. 7898-7905  9650-9656 AD
The Great Abderian War
    The Abderitan Empire is revived.

T.L. 7918-8141  9666-9841 AD
The Generations War
     Abderus and Deianara fight an ongoing series of wars for generations, crippling both planets.

T.L. 8071  9786 AD
     Deianara briefly occupies Abderus under Deianaran emperor Perilip Katochi.

T.L. 8141  9841 AD
The Great Destruction
     In a horrible destruction of nuclear bombs and orbital bombardment, civilisation is brought to an end on both habitable planets of the Tau Ceti System.
Automated hunter-seeker warships occupy the system for centuries afterwards, making reinhabitation difficult.

The Great Dark Age
T.C.Y. 8141-9277
9841-10,731 AD

For a thousand years after the Great Destruction both Abderus and Deianara lie in post-apocalyptic ruin.
Hunter-seeker warships prowl the system, a constant threat to any potential visitors.

T.L. 8193  AD 9881
     Captain Starkey and co.’s ill-fated arrival at Deianara.

T.L. 9122-9173  AD 10,609-10,649
     The Hunter-Seeker War
     After centuries of prowling the system unopposed, the automated warships leftover from the Generations War are defeated by forces of the Terran Autocracy.
(Although some stragglers continue to haunt the Terran forces for decades after).

The First Terran Age
T.L. 9277-9992
AD 9841-10,731

For 700 local years, Deianara, and to a large extent, Abderus, are colonised and ruled over by the Terran Autocracy of Earth.
During these years, the people of Deianara become a proud, independent people, loyal to the Autocrat on Earth,
whereas her sister planet, Abderus roils in discontent...

T.L. 9277  AD 10,731
     The first Terran colonists arrive in the system and begin the long process of rebuilding civilisation.

T.L. 9967  [AD 11,260]
     Transmissions reach the Tau Ceti System telling of a great war being waged on Earth..

T.L. 9976-9999  AD
     The Abderitan War of Revolt

T.L.10,005   [AD 11,290]
     Transmissions reach Tau Ceti informing of the Fall of the Terran Autocracy

T.L. 10,012  AD 11,307
Fall of the Terran Protectorate of Deianara
     After a violent skirmish with the newly independent Abderitan kingdom, the Terran leadership of Deianara abandon the planet and leave it in a state of collapse and ruin..

The Second Age of Anarchy
T.L. 10,012-10,389
AD 11,307-11,603

After the Fall of the Terran Protectorate, chaos and anarchy rules once again on Deianara,
whilst the newly founded Abderitan Kingdom rules with an iron fist.

T.L. 10,389-10,402  AD 11,603-11,612
The Khaldakian Invasion
     Deianara is invaded and conquered by the Khaldakian Empire of the planet Sireac.

The Khaldakian Empire
Rules Deianara

T.L. 10,402-11,012
AD 11,612-12,091

Deianara is ruled over and occupied by the despotic Khaldakian Empire.

T.L. 11,004-11,012  12,084-12,091 AD
The Deianara War of Revolt
     Deianara ousts the Khaldakians off their planet.

The Pre-Terran Age
on Deianara

T.L. 11,012-11,811
AD 12,091-12,717

In the centuries between the fall of the Khaldakian Empire and the rise of the Terran Empire, Deianara suffered a short period of anarchy before major immigration from first Epaphus and later Earth brings about a new rise in technological civilisation...

T.L. c.11,200  c.12,200 AD
     Major immigration from Epaphus begins on Deianara.

T.L. c.11,550  c.12,500 AD
     Major immigration from Earth begins on Deianara.

T.L. 11,641  12,583 AD
     The nations of Deianara join the Terran Autocracy of the planet Earth.

The Terran Autocratic Age
on Deianara

T.L. 11,614-11,815
AD 12,583-12,720

Deianara is ruled peacefully and prosperously as part of the Terran Autocracy.
The planet is divided into Terran provinces and is ruled directly by a handful of Terran governors.

T.L. 11,811-11,816  12,717-12,721 AD
The Terran Invasion of Abderus
     Abderus is conquered by Earth in the name of the Terran Empire.

T.L. 11,815  12,720 AD
     Deianara becomes a full on Proconsulate of the newly formed Terran Empire.

The Terran Empire
Rules the Tau Ceti System
T.L. 11,816-13,789
12,721-14,267 AD

The entire Tau Ceti System is conquered by the might of the Terran Autocracy of Earth. Autocratic governments in the style used on Earth are set up on Abderus and Deianara, which are henceforward governed by Terran Procurators who represent the Terran Autocrat on their respective worlds.

T.L. 13,779-13,789  14,259-14,267 AD
The Space Pirate War
    A massive armada of pirate ships from deep space, united by the infamous pirate king Muat, storms the Tau Ceti System and brings utter devestation to the civilisations there.
    Unable to defend their claims in the system, the Terran Empire retreats.

The Pirate Age
T.L. 13,789-18,210
14,267-17,732 AD

For millenia after the horrendous Space Pirate Wars, both Abderus and Deianara are left in post-apocalyptic ruin, their technology reduced to pre-industrial levels.
During these dark centuries, pirates of both the space and ocean-going varieties, constantly harass the poor people of these planets and anarchy rules everywhere.

T.L. 13,852-13,901   14,316-14,355 AD
     The Triumphant Reign of Muat the Pirate Lord
After fighting for years in Earth’s Solar System, the great pirate king returns to the Tau Ceti System to reign supreme.

T.L. 14,430  14,769 AD
     On Abderus: Bardawil the Stout reclaims the city of Abdera from the pirates.

T.L. 15,994-16,659  15,995-16,516 AD
     The Abderitan Pirate Wars on Abderus.

T.L. 16,659  16,516 AD
     The Abderitan Kingdom is re-established.

T.L. 18,210  17,732 AD
     The Deianaran Republic is Founded

The Deianaran Republic
T.C.Y. 18,210-21,212
17,732-20,085 AD

A new global government is established on Deianara and civilisation is restored to the planet.

T.L. 18,264-18,274  17,774-17,782 AD
     The Conquest of Ajax
Coris Ajax, the new Master Conqueror of Deianara, sets himself up as Grand Archon, conquers Abderus, and wipes out the pirates that have plagued his system for millenia.

T.L. 18,265  17,775 AD
     Larissa, the twelve-thousand-year-old witch of Erimos Island is captured and brought before Grand Archon Coris Ajax.
Her bottle of Vial of Amrita, the Elixer of Immortality and the only sample of which in the universe, is lost.

T.L. 18,267  17,776 AD
     Under Grand Archon Coris Ajax, the Deianaran Republic invades Abderus and wins for herself a large province in the lands of Siderria and Vistonia.

T.L. 19,252  18,549 AD
     Abderus ousts the Deianarans from their lands and the Third Kingdom of Abderus is founded by Menoetius, the fascist dictator.

T.L. 19,855-19,970  19,021-19,111 AD
     The Life and Times of Dan the Deianaran.

T.L. 21,212  20,085 AD
The Second Great Destruction
     After a long, drawn-out war, the Deianaran Republic and the Third Kingdom of Abderus bombard eachother’s planets with nuclear bombs and civilization on both worlds is destroyed.

The Second Great Dark Age
T.C.Y. 21,212-21,286  20,085-20,143 AD

Post-apocalypse on Abderus and Deianara

T.L. 21,286  20,142 AD
The Sirean Invasion
     Taking advantage of the weakened state of the planets in the Tau Ceti System. The Sirean Empire, under command of the Almighty King Galannar, invade the system and install their own kings to rule over it’s planets.

The Nine Methusalan Kings of Deianara:

T.L. 21,286-22,206  20,142-20,863 AD
     Reign of King Xuthus
              920 years
During his reign, the Sirean Empire conquers the Terran Autocracy of Earth, once and for all.

T.L. 22,206-23,336  20,863-21,749 AD
     Reign of King Magnus
              1,130 years

T.L. 23,336-24,376  21,749-22,564 ADŕ
     Reign of King Makenus
              1,040 years

T.L. 24,376-25,436  22,564-23,395 AD
     Reign of King Raucus
              1,060 years

T.L. 25,436-26,511  23,395-24,237 AD
     Reign of King Dorus
              1,075 years

T.L. 26,511-27,511  24,237-25,021 AD
     Reign of King Thelius
              1,000 years

T.L. 27,511-28,510  25,021-25,804 AD
     Reign of King Oellus
              999 years

T.L. 28,510-29,398  25,804-26,500 AD
     Reign of King Thyus
              888 years

T.L. 29,398-29,997  26,500-26,969 AD
     Reign of King Oegigus
              600 years

T.L. 29,997  26,969 AD
The Deianaran Deluge
     During the reign of King Oegigus, a vapor canopy in Deianara’s upper atmosphere collapses and rains down upon the planet as global earthquakes unleash immense fountains from underground aquifers flooding the entire planet within forty days.

     Deucall, a Macarian farmer, becomes the only survivor of this disaster, escaping into space along with his wife and sons and some of his farm animals.

     In the end, the world-wide ocean freezes and Deianara is once again covered in ice, just as it was before the arrival of Man.


T.L. 88,909  73,140 AD
     After the seas dry up and the atmosphere grows thin, the last man on Abderus dies.


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